New Year’s Eve at Borracha Will Be the Hottest in Henderson!

Come Say Adios to 2022 at Borracha!
It’s no secret that Mexican culture is the source of some of the past aspects of a great party: pinatas, tequila, fireworks, delicious food…the list goes on. Therefore, the most epic New Year’s Eve fiesta in Henderson will undoubtedly be at Borracha. You won’t want to miss this epic party where the vibe is celebrating life and feeling alive with great friends and family This year say adios to 2022 and hola to 2023 with gusto by spending New Year’s Eve at Borracha!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
New Year’s Eve is one of the most intense nights of the year because it’s a celebration of both the past and future that takes place in the present. It’s also a night to indulge in habits one last time before attempting to nip them in the bud in the new year. New Year’s Eve is a great excuse to cut loose: dance, laugh, drink, and focus on fun. Borracha is fully embarrassing this mentality with Adios 2022! They’ll have a live DJ starting at 9M that will be playing all the great hits from 2020 like Bad Bunny’s Títo Mi Pregunto and Rosalia’s Despachá and more. There will also be a $65 open bar that starts at 9 PM, so you can shake out all the bad juju from 2022 on the dance floor until it’s shown out the door.
Mexican New Years Traditions
If you want to embrace a fully Mexican NYE, there are several cultural traditions that you can try out, and it starts with your underwear. It’s believed that wearing red underwear on NYE will bring you good luck in love while wearing yellow underwear brings about good fortune in work or money or just happiness in general. When you are toasting at midnight, consider putting a gold ring in your champagne glass to also invite luck into your life for the new year. If doing so, you cannot take the ring out of the glass until you’ve finished the champagne and hugged everyone in the room. If you’re doing this at Borracha, you better make sure you chug and hug quickly as it’s bound to be a full house! One of the most popular Mexican traditions for New Year’s is to eat 12 grapes in 12 seconds, with each grape representing a wish. If you manage to eat all of the grapes within 60 seconds, it’s believed that all of your wishes will come true for the year! If these sound like too much time and effort, then the very least you can do is watch fireworks. Per Mexican culture, watching or lighting fireworks on NYE helps to ward off evil spirits. If you’re watching–not lighting–it could be helpful to be drinking good spirits as well.
Make sure you’re at Borracha to say Adios 2022! Reserve your spot for this hot NYE party ASAP!